Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Benigno Aquino Day

“Why can’t I go home?” was Ninoy’s question. Even with the warnings from close family and friends, with the country’s economy in a rage, and the iron hands that imprisoned the country and despite a vocal threat from Marcos himself to wear a kevlar vest should he go back to the Philippines-nothing…no one has stopped Ninoy from coming home…
August 21, 1983- he found himself lying at the airport, blood-drenched, shot and murdered… The death that made him an honored martyr for the rest of history.
But the said death served as a key to very important events in Philippine history: his death dethroned Marcos…his death initiated the bloodless revolt-the first that the world has ever witnessed and never thought would be possible …his death placed his beloved wife to Malacañang and given the highest position-President of the Philippine Republic. But most importantly…his death liberated the Filipinos…
And the ever famous line from the courageous and wise Filipino who was exiled, imprisoned, and returned to his country only to die for his country men and brought a dictator down…words of challenge and goodbye:” Filipinos are worth dying for…”
24 years after… we commemorate his death, his bravery and heroism but it is a sad fact that as the years had passed it seems that the Filipino’s had forgotten what the words exactly meant and the sacrifice that Ninoy made just for us to achieve the democracy and freedom we are enjoying right now.
Let me quote a few lines from Kris Aquino’s interview in late night news, as she was asked of what his father’s message would be at these present times:
“Thank you for supporting Noynoy and placing him in the senate…he would continue the principles I’ve fought for”
“Parents are really working hard and are persevering to send their children to school and educate them. They sacrifice leaving their families and the Philippines, they suffer the cold and loneliness a foreign country brings. The children must study hard, aim for good grades and make their parent’s sacrifices pay-off”
“The newly elected leaders should not use their positions for personal gain but instead serve the country well” –Had he been alive today, it would be very nice to hear.
May we always be reminded of Ninoy’s heroism together with his idealism. And let us all together help make Ninoy known to the new generation that all Filipino’s living should be grateful as Ninoy’s sacrifice gave us our liberation and that he is a true hero and not just a face in the 500 peso paperbill. His martyrdom depicted the perfect example of “love for country”. His sacrifice was made out of love. Rest in peace Ninoy…we’d always walk through your path and principles…