Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My Cure-Dress to Express

Each of us undergo phases in our life where we have low-self esteem and for women in particular; having low self-esteem makes you feel like you never look good enough. I admit…I long suffered from clothing anxiety- claiming I have nothing to wear when my closet is bursting with choice and much worse, I’m sick with closet trauma-the out of control feeling that comes from not knowing what to wear or how to dress to reflect the real me. One day as I browsed through the racks of my fave crib-Powerbooks I found a heaven-sent book that could help me overcome my illness-DRESS TO EXPRESS by Tracy McWilliams. Everything I learned from the book is summarized through these steps:

-Understand the emotions that may have held you back from realizing your dressing potential
-Define your image
-Know your clothing personality type
-Identify and understand your body type
-Pay attention to colors in your wardrobe
-Clean out your closet
-Take inventory by making a list of items that you own
-Keep it clothing simple
-Go through your accessory items and take inventory of what you own
-Fill the gaps in your wardrobe
-Try on clothing items that are on your inventory list and begin to put outfits together
-When you go shopping fill in the gaps in your wardrobe
-Keep your clothing emotions under control
-Visualize yourself beautiful
-Control your communication style
-Remember to dress form top to down
-Step in your power as a woman and believe in how beautiful you are

Through this book, I finally understood that I’d always be the best judge of how I want to be perceived. And very important, I learned that: Dressing your best is about matching your inner beauty with your outer self when the match is complete looking fabulous is the by product and clothing bliss is the result. Clothing Bliss is the feeling of calm that is achieved when you are confident that your clothing choices really do reflect your best self. And I’m working my way out to achieve it! For all the ladies out there- I totally recommend this book specifically for the “lost and unconfident ones”. Gurlfriends! Let’s all journey into finding our clothing bliss…