Thursday, September 13, 2007

A trip to the Universities Finest Eateries!

University of the Philippines-Diliman QC
Sidetrip away from the mall, fulfill your desire for luscious greens, UP Diliman would be a great place. To distress ourselves we visit UP. Practically every street has a stand for street food: isaw, squidballs, fishballs,chickenballs, kikiam, cheese sticks, bar-b-q, hotdogs. You could have a picnic or just simply sit and relax at the sunken garden or try to watch a free Movie at the UP theater. But you could never miss out on these famous eateries if you visit UP!
I was assigned to man the booth at the UP Jobfair which was held at the UP Bahay ng Alumni. Since fast foods are quite far, we decided to have lunch at the nearest place-Chocolate Kiss! I am just so thankful that I was able to try eating at this wonderful place twice! Although I was not able to try the sweets (which was the best as they say), nothing can be sweeter than having lunch for free!!!. All our menu expenses were paid by my boss the 1st time and our Hr-Recruiter the 2nd time! Haha!
I had my meals at the ground floor branch which is a smaller café that sits 50 people where breakfast, lunch and afternoon merienda are served. On my 1st time since it was lunch, I ordered their Salisbury steak which was very good.
The second time, which was by the way the last day- I ordered “chiken a la kiev” which was absolutely great! It’s much like cordon blue with mashed potato and gravy! The best thing-while cutting the meat, you’d see a generous amount of butter inside.

Truly unforgettable is their bottomless iced-tea sweetened with honey! ( the best seller)
I am just so looking forward to eating at the place again. But I am quite far since I’m from Makati and Laguna. But I just can’t wait to try and dine at the 2nd floor since they say it’s a perfect place for a date-by past 7 a violinist would be playing and this time I swear I’d try the sweets: devil’s cake kahlua, dayap, blueberry cakes.
And my say…a totally awesome place! Great food, right prices and comfy ambiance!

Chocolate Kiss
UP Bahay ng Alumni