Thursday, June 21, 2007

Antonio Trillanes: The Modern Day Katipunero

Four years ago, a 32-year-old captain who wrote a masters thesis on corruption in the Navy at the University of the Philippines led a group of soldiers and accused the government of corruption and supporting terrorism, and of mismanaging soldiers’ pension funds. This turned out to be the so called “Oakwood Mutiny”
Three Years later, the said Navy officer decided to run for the upper house of congress…And last Friday, June 15, 2007…the Navy Captain front man named “Antonio Trillanes IV” was proclaimed the 11th senator elect.
His victory was a total surprise for all the rest since his name was not even included in the surveys and the people were not so amazed with the Oakwood Mutiny more so, how it turned out to be a failure, plus his major constraint-being held in captive, therefore he could not campaign personally and make himself known the people.
. Yet indeed the heavens favored him and faith led him to be a Senator. But behind it lies a more powerful force: it is “People Power”- the voice of the people. It is the voice that cries out for reform…the voice that has been the very same victim and has been failed by the government all these years.
While other candidates spend millions for their campaign and TV ads, Trillanes on the other hand had limited funds. He was actually the lowest spender having spent roughly 5 million, 500,000 of which came from his own pocket having sold his watches and cars and the rest from his supporters. Yet despite the said adversities, he emerged triumphant because of the following factors:

1. “The people had faith in him”.
You may rarely see his campaign ads or flyers but thanks to the power of the internet, bloggers and net surfers supported him, more so, ordinary citizens who volunteered to campaign for him, not minding whether they would be paid or not for what they do. (My dad was actually a volunteer and an advocate).
2. His being the numero-uno “Anti-Arroyo”
From Oakwood, until his TV appearance for debates during the campaign period, he had been consistent and vocal of his main goal to oust Arroyo from her throne
3. His platform of “fighting corruption and clean act”
The people has been long tired of being victims of corruption and so from Trillanes and the act of mutiny they saw a modern day hero fighting for a cause

But there is more to wonder from how Trillanes won his battle…It is the fact that his proclamation is another proof, that in our country-freedom and the people’s voice still prevails. And I am so proud to be able to witness that in these modern times…
I have always believed in Trillanes, he caught my attention way back in the Oakwood mutiny days! I truly admire his bravery and courage that actually during the elections, I did not vote for any other Senator except him…this is because I know my other choices would eventually win even though I don’t vote for them, but my one and sole vote for Trillanes would create another step in the ladder of victory.
There is a saying that “we could not please everybody” and so it is for Trillanes. For his detractors, He won and was proclaimed and the least we could do is hope that he would be able to live up to our expectations. Let’s hope that he does not turn out to be another “junior gringo” in the making.
And might as well let’s share with him the vision of building a republic free of corruption and join him in his crusade to fight everything that’s corrupt. And as we bestow our trust, hopes and dreams to our modern day “katipunero”, let us also offer our prayers that despite being detained in his jail cell may he continue to be filled with courage and humility and serve us the best way he can.
And if one day Mr. Trillanes comes across my blog… I just wanted to say “Sir or if I may say Senator…please don’t’ fail us…”

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Something to rekindle...

Two months after I gave birth, I already started working and easily found a job where I could apply what I’ve learned in college. Not that I don’t want to spend time with my daughter…it was because that time…I had no choice, we had to manage our finances so the least I could do was to find a job and help with the expenses. I admit I enjoyed working…at first. I could earn money, buy stuff that I want, and get in tuned with what’s new and the latest compared to being a plain housewife but I never thought I would suffer its consequences sooner that I thought. When I got promoted, time became an ultimate conflict. I would need to work longer hours…I experienced working 16 hours straight, go home at 3 because of work and work the whole day of Saturday and Sunday. And because of that lifestyle, my relationship with my now two year old daughter changed. She clings to my mother (her grandma) more and pushes me away when she sees me. She chooses to sleep beside her grandparents than sleep beside me. And I’m having a real hard time handling her restlessness. It seems I totally lost track of rearing her.
I was reflecting these days… I strolled at the mall and surprisingly found myself in Papemelrotti reading this poster and later on tears begin to fall from my eyes… I’d like to share these with the rest of the working or busy mothers out there. This indeed served as a total “awakening” for me…that nothing would be more precious than our children… and today I would rekindle the rocky relationship I’m having with my princess…
For My Child...

Just this morning,
I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.
Just for this morning,
I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.
Just for this morning,
I am going to step over the laundry and pick you
Up and take you to the park to play
Just for this morning,
I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me
How to put that puzzle of yours together
Just for this afternoon,
I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off;
And sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles
Just for this afternoon,
I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and
Whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by
Just for this afternoon,
I won’t worry about what you are going to be when you grow up,
Or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned
Just for this afternoon,
I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won’t stand over you trying to fix them.
Just for this evening,
I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you
Just for this evening,
I will let you splash in the bath and not get angry
Just for this evening,
I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars
Just for this evening
I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows
Just for this evening
When I run my finger through your hair as you pray,
I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.
I will think about the mothers and fathers, who are searching for their missing children,
The mothers and fathers who are visiting their children’s graves instead of their bedrooms,
And mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children
Suffer senselessly and screaming inside that they can’t handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you goodnight I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer.
It is then , that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing,

Except one more day…

A NiCe WeEkEnD TrEaT!

It’s my hubby’s payday! And on these days…well… it is usually his treat! So this is how a Saturday weekend went for us…

Being a certified bookworm, a day could not just pass without browsing through the pages of books or magazines… and when I am able to read something that interests me, it gives me bliss! PowerBooks has always been my “fave tambayan” where I get to read everything I want. Its where through the years of working here in Makati-(the so-called New York of the Philippines), a day could not pass without passing by at the said bookstore. But never in the said years did I ever thought of trying out “Java Man”-the in house café-resto of PowerBooks until last Saturday. My hubby and I were actually debating over where to spend lunch and we finally decided to try Java Man.
I was actually surprised that their menu is mostly Italian. All the while I thought they offer coffee and pastries alone. As for me, I sampled the 3 cheese with Fettuccine Combo, it has a generous serving of fettuccine alfredo served with 3 cheese panini and potato chips! The said combo fits me best since I love fettuccine and cheese and I definitely enjoyed what I ordered. My hubby ordered the Ham and cheese with Pomodoro Combo which on the other hand has a generous serving of pomodoro pasta served with ham and cheese panini and potato chips.
The drinks…we decided to order the Coffee Caramel Javacinno. And I can say it’s quite different from the coffee or frap other Café offers coz its extra smooth and definitely yummy! I just love the feel of milk, coffee and caramel combined with the sweet cream.
We were so full that our stomach has no place for desserts,but definitely we would try their desserts the next time we dine in.
I totally enjoyed the meal plus the ambiance of the place that made it cozy and if you do want to enjoy conversations with your friends or enjoy a meal with a book at hand, this would be the perfect place!

I was not able to watch the first one, neither am I into watching flicks about superheroes… (Honestly I just watch superhero movies to get in tuned with the latest! ha-ha!) But I must admit, I surely enjoyed the 2nd and I am sooo looking forward to the 3rd
Like what would happen to the:
· blossoming relationship between human torch and the assistant general
· Mr. Fantastic and Ms. Invincible having their own kids
· Would Thing’s girlfriend ever get her sight back?
· Would there be a chance for Thing to somehow look normal at certain situations
· And the BEST would be: would SILVER SURFER live again and be an ally of the four?
I more so love the flick’s simplicity. No other hard to grasp scenes. And the thought that they all have the same goal: which is to save the world, be of help to the people and live the so called “superhero life” despite its adversities. And the unity & cooperation of the four-added to the cool attitude of the team!
One of the funny antics would be: when Thing touched Human Torch right after his atoms got disorganized because Silver Surfer touched him…really funny when they exchanged looks!
One dilemma though would be how Jessica Alba (a.k.a. Ms. Invincible-now Mrs. Fantastic) looked. I guess majority would agree that she looked awful in the movie. But all in all the movie was fun and would definitely make you look forward to its sequel. And I can say it is an absolutely “Fantastic” flick!
(For a replica of “Silver Surfer” you could check out G4, it looks really cool that you’d want to take it home!)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!!

My family had gone through pains and struggles over the past 24 years of my life...But through it all, I've always been proud of my father and believed in his principles that I actually wanted to fight and live with the same advocacy. Like some other dads , he may not be so vocal of what he feels neither be appreciative enough but I've always respected and loved him despite that. Today is "Father's Day"...One of the many important days in the year that we take time to acknowledge the importance of having a Father and the difference they made in our life. To my Dad I'd like to say "thank you for everything and I appreciate all your efforts for our family to survive". To my Hubby " thanks for staying with me..." and to all the Fathers out there I'd like to extend my warmest greetings: "Happy Father's Day".

I'd like to share this letter by Pamela Koehlinger to all the other Dads out there who may not be that expressive, we would always understand that the "love" would always be there..."

You Are My Father and You Always Will Be

Over the years,
it's been difficult for us
to understand one another,
and sometimes it has been hard
to make meaningful connections.

So much time has passed
marked by words not said,
missed opportunities,
and good intentions gone awry.

But I have always known
that you love me,
and I hope you know that
I love you, too...

Love takes many different forms.
For some people, it means
spending time together
talking, laughing, and working
alongside one another.

For some, it is a hug
or a word of praise.
For others, it is simply an
unspoken understanding that
family is forever;
it is a bond that can never be
broken, no matter where we go
or what we do

As the years pass,
I become more and more aware
of how important that bond really is,
and although 'I may rarely say it,
I become more appreciative
of your role in my life.
You are my father, and you
will always be my father.
And because of that,
you will always have a profound
place in my heart.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

FreEdoM DaY!

It was my off for Sunday and I was watching ASAP and I just so enjoyed their theme for this Sunday; “All Pinoy Party” Watching all the featured bands, and dancers amazed me that indeed our race has been blessed with this much talent. I went to the mall with my mom, sister, and my princess…I saw all the shops with the Philippine flag posted on their walls which reminded me…Ei Tuesday is Independence Day! Probably did not have much feel of it since the holiday was moved Monday for us to have a longer weekend then again, how I could forget, this is the day that we were granted our precious freedom and formally regarded as Filipinos…
On being nationalistic… When asked “Are you still proud to be a Filipino?” I could strongly attest “Yes I am…” And there are definitely so many reasons to be one… Just to name a few…Aside from the fact that our race is indeed blessed with rare talents and an ultimate gift of intelligence, Filipino’s are naturally resilient, hardworking and the greatest survivors! We’ve pass through the toughest colonization in history and emerged triumphantly. We are born fighters and today had been a living witness of how we fight for democracy and exercise our rights to be free… We are naturally flexible and adaptable and not to mention…being enormously hospitable. And top it off with the wonderful places and tourist spots that our country alone has…definitely incomparable to what the rest of world has…
Then again reality bites, we have to admit, our country has its own imperfections, but in the light of the adversities our country is facing and will continually face, I guess it’s high time to reflect and analyze how we could actually contribute and help…
Today is Independence Day. This day signifies our nation's unity; it remains a mark, a remembrance of what truly binds us –our freedom, our heritage... Then again, all of us might be guilty about this, but the truth is… we oftentimes just think of this whenever June 12th of every year comes. But for me, June 12 of 2007 would be different…
I’ve always had this dream or let me say a goal… Since I am a psychgrad, I am hoping by next year I could find the time to take the entrance test for masteral studies at UP Solair and if it’s God-will that I pass, I’d like to major in Industrial Relations, eventually become a professor and share my knowledge and help the common Filipino employees exercise their rights. Fight for the underprivileged Pinoy local workers. In the course of it, I’d like to be a member of Gabriella as well... Then again that would be a long term goal…
But today as I browsed the net and found this article in clickthecity about “Yabang Pinoy” I was totally moved. I’ve heard this long way before as I read through Bianca Gonzales’ blog (she’s my favorite! ultimate crush too!) But today I was so convinced that I’m actually planning to buy the “band of glory” ASAP!
“Yabang Pinoy is a small but truly meaningful step in instilling a sense of nationalistic pride in the youth of today. It may not be a grand act such as heroism or other radical means, but small steps made by everyone in changing their attitudes in life are collectively making a huge difference”
But buying the band would do more than that, as I browsed through site of Yabang Pinoy itself, I thought there is so much to do…more people to help…I guess, my long term goal would be quite hard to reach for now but let me start by showing genuine concern for my fellow Filipino’s, let me start from there and who knows the rest may follow…But let this thought live with me as each day pass “I am a Filipino taking pride of my Filipino heritage while in the midst of the worst political condition, poverty, economic instability, irreconcilable convictions & worst calamities. I can still stand proud!”

mY LosT sMiLe...

The jolly English-speaking Guard (well. I can say he does speak pretty good English) spoke to me and said: “Mam, smile…Every time I see you, worry seems to cover your face and you are so close to frowning.” I replied, defending myself a bit and trying to be a little funny: “Kuya, it’s because the only time that you see me is at the end of the day, when my entire energy is drained and I’m so exhausted I can’t even afford to smile. You should see me in the morning! I’m really pretty and fresh!” Thinking aside I told myself: “Ei, what a great excuse…”
When people ask me “What’s your job?”…I get startled coz I could not give any definite answer…and I’m left thinking… I am a receptionist, front desk officer to make it sound better but there’s more to being one at our office since I play both the role of a receptionist & an hr assistant. I man the reception from 8am to 3pm then attend to my other hr duties from 3 pm onwards… I can proudly say I’m really close to being a super girl with everything I’ve been thorough because of this job! But believe me; being a receptionist in our office is no joke! You’re talking about the call center recruitment set-up which is really “blood-draining”.Let me start by giving you an idea of how an entire day at the reception goes for me…The moment I sit upfront, without having placed my bag down nor even arrange the registration clipboards, both agents and applicants would swarm you with questions. Well, I would then try my best to provide them the best answer. What comes after would be giving these applicants instructions on the process of application and checking their names on our system for previous application, then the proctor would be asking for the applicants, you call them one by one and direct them to the testing area. Most often, the proctor is so demanding that she becomes so annoying then. You think that’s all? We’ll brace yourself coz on top of that would be the ringing phones that you would need to answer, entertaining queries for agents, providing them the forms they need (coz reception would be the sole source) directing both visitors to the place they needed to be, calling people for interviews-initial, staff & exit, clearances…all at the same time (at times I feel like a human megaphone…). And all of this I’ve been doing for almost a year now…) that’s why I can say... “I can withstand anything!”

Here are the things I really hate about being upfront:

1-A mix of the characteristics of applicants-they could be so knowledgeable that they think they know better than you… and they could be so stupid that even at the point of giving them the clearest instructions…they still don’t follow.

2-Agents processing their clearances & exit interviews-you set the rules, allot a particular time for the said process, but they come so late. They make the usual “pakiusap” then give you the darnest reasons to convince you to break the rules and if they don’t succeed… they nag at you, shout at you, frown at you and even say cursing words… One more thing... Even though they are registered they won’t stop to make “kulit” if they would be next, when you’re actually the busiest person in the world and to think monitoring them is not the only thing you do…

3-The registration and releasing of Coe- you give them the forms with all the instructions but they would really expect you to explain to them where they would need to give the form & when they could get it. And then come “Friday” the release, when the Coe’s are not yet signed… They would express their disappointment in the nastiest way.

4-The fact that you really have to explain everything to the agents when in fact they could actually read the instructions or the process themselves

5-The fact that they would never understand that payroll & hr are two separate departments, every little mistake payroll does, they account it to hr & especially to me coz I’m the 1st person they see upfront.

6-The fact that you only get to enjoy exactly 1 hr break, say good-bye to your 15 minutes break. And you’d be autistic and not get in tune with what’s happening co’z the idea is that- all I have to care about is the reception area.

And the top three qualities you should have to survive:

1-Self-righteousness- they should always think that you know better coz your from HR and they should never catch you off guard not knowing the process or the information co’z believe me they would bring you down and make you feel so stupid. So, though you are not so familiar, better yet speak like you really know it!

2-Super Confidence- no matter how harsh they could get, you could never be dethroned. They think that playing nasty talk with you could bring your confidence down? They have to think twice.

3-Drop it all attitude-just leave all the hurt in the workplace…all the excess baggage should stay where they should.

I could definitely attest “life at the reception is like a battleground where you should always be in defense”. And to quote Tim Yap “I am the type of person they love to love and love to hate…”which is true... I can be the nice and sweet but I admit I am at most time “masungit” with the pressure and stress that I’ve lived to for the past 1 year…Who wouldn’t? So when Kuya Guard tells me “Mam, smile…” I’d rather say… “I hope you understand… I’m so stressed and tired… the day had been like hell for me…” No more explanations…no further questions asked…

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Not so nice ending? Think again...

I am a fan of Nicholas Sparks Stories. I not only read but watch the movies as well. I’ve watched: Message in a Bottle, A Walk to remember, and the Notebook. All three made me cry and eventually turned out to be my fave movies. By the way, I am a certified PowerBooks Bummer too! I ultimately love the greenbelt branch where it has cozy seats for you to bum around and read…plus the thought of “pagtitipid” instead of buying the books & magazines, just stay there & you get to read everything you want and get updated with recent issues of magazines every month! And I forgot to say I’m a certified “Kuripot” too! My hubby and I actually spend long hours not talking to each other as if we were strangers and concentrate on reading.
Now, my recent goal is…to finish Nicholas Sparks new book “Dear John”. I was really persistent that I go to PowerBooks after office hours. And sad thing for me that I lost my phone which I barely used for just 2 months in PowerBooks too, but nothing stopped me from reaching my goal which I did yesterday, then again I somehow got disappointed with the ending… Sorry to divulge it for the recent readers of the said book but I just could not accept the fact that the lead: John actually sold the gold coins his departed father had given him just to let the husband of the girl he greatly loves continue to live… I said to myself “that’s crazy”. Some guys may have just waited for the husband to die so the girl becomes a widow and marry her, but for John… it was a total reverse… I really could not get over it! The thought remained with me until I came to work… I actually debated with Mommy Jo (she’s my favorite! I always get words of wisdom from her... she’s like a guru to me) I got startled when she uttered “Rain, that’s what you simply call...true love…unconditional love…” Indeed…seeing the one you love happy with the one person who gives her eternal bliss instead of spending her life with you…Amazing! Super “selfless”… This is probably one of the many more mysteries love has… As I go through my journey…I guess, I would be able to unfold more mysteries too... Experiencing it on my own…

A SoNg tO ShArE...

An officemate forwarded this song in mp3 format together with the lyrics in my e-mail. "i said to myself "hey this song sounds familiar..." I might have heard this as a background music for certain TV shows but I never thought it would sound this good in full length! I haven't watched the movie yet but now I'm planning to... Just wanted to share this song to all the loveless...and for the ones who once felt love but somehow got lost in the way... Let's all try to find our way back into love...

Way Back Into Love (Music & Lyrics)
Haley Bennet & Hugh Grant

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant - Haley Bennett

mY wEeKeNd...A LoT LiKe HeLL

This weekend...I've learned a lot about anger management…and the beauty of controlling your emotions...Well, the weekend has been a lot like hell for me...The set-up I have with my family is really would probably end up like a novel if I wrote it down... But then it always make me agitated when I am accused of being a burden and as if I’m doing nothing … It was really hard not to listen and just let it pass…but then I really did my best to keep composed…I slept it over! Ha-ha! … I was really heated up that time and if I choose to defend myself…I would have made things worse…Indeed, anger is a problem many people face, a problem that can seriously disrupt someone’s life, cause distress & wreck relationships…Controlling anger? Time would be a great factor… Each second between the ’’unfair’’ event & your reaction, the chances of making a healthier decision are greatly increased. “If that child paused for a few seconds when told he was being punished, he might have come up with a less-damaging alternative action. When your boss makes your blood boil…waiting, instead of immediately reacting, will almost always produce more positive results.” So I guess I did the right thing…say nothing…keep cool and let it all pass…but then it doesn’t end there…Right now…I would like to act on the problem and think of ways to make a change…but then these are things I would really need to have a deep thought and reflect in the next few days…

I've finally decided!!!

My first blog ever! i have accounts almost in every networking friends site (e.g.-myspace, hi5), as of the moment I only keep my accounts for both friendster & multiply and post my updates there but then, I don’t write any blogs. But this time, I’ve finally decided! “Hey, I want to write a blog!”“Blogs are cool… And I agree…It gives you a sense of purpose since everything you write would be of value to people as they place comments and make “pakialam” haha!But moreover…what actually made me decide to finally have one is the freedom blogs give you. You could actually write about anything under the sun… I dunno if people would agree but it serves as an “outlet of your soul” placed into wonderful words… Writing has always been my first love and I’m more than happy to have a blog now and write about my thoughts and finally share my world!Why extraordinary? Hmmm…I find myself unique…and my friends too…am I weird? I guess so… I have so many routines and my taste buds are very picky that’s why they say I am “extraordinary” but then, there is still the human part of me that craves for ordinary things… stuff that every ordinary gurl does and keep me normal…So join me in my journey as I share my thoughts…Hope you have fun and feel free to post your comments!