Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I've finally decided!!!

My first blog ever! i have accounts almost in every networking friends site (e.g.-myspace, hi5), as of the moment I only keep my accounts for both friendster & multiply and post my updates there but then, I don’t write any blogs. But this time, I’ve finally decided! “Hey, I want to write a blog!”“Blogs are cool… And I agree…It gives you a sense of purpose since everything you write would be of value to people as they place comments and make “pakialam” haha!But moreover…what actually made me decide to finally have one is the freedom blogs give you. You could actually write about anything under the sun… I dunno if people would agree but it serves as an “outlet of your soul” placed into wonderful words… Writing has always been my first love and I’m more than happy to have a blog now and write about my thoughts and finally share my world!Why extraordinary? Hmmm…I find myself unique…and my friends too…am I weird? I guess so… I have so many routines and my taste buds are very picky that’s why they say I am “extraordinary” but then, there is still the human part of me that craves for ordinary things… stuff that every ordinary gurl does and keep me normal…So join me in my journey as I share my thoughts…Hope you have fun and feel free to post your comments!