Wednesday, June 13, 2007

FreEdoM DaY!

It was my off for Sunday and I was watching ASAP and I just so enjoyed their theme for this Sunday; “All Pinoy Party” Watching all the featured bands, and dancers amazed me that indeed our race has been blessed with this much talent. I went to the mall with my mom, sister, and my princess…I saw all the shops with the Philippine flag posted on their walls which reminded me…Ei Tuesday is Independence Day! Probably did not have much feel of it since the holiday was moved Monday for us to have a longer weekend then again, how I could forget, this is the day that we were granted our precious freedom and formally regarded as Filipinos…
On being nationalistic… When asked “Are you still proud to be a Filipino?” I could strongly attest “Yes I am…” And there are definitely so many reasons to be one… Just to name a few…Aside from the fact that our race is indeed blessed with rare talents and an ultimate gift of intelligence, Filipino’s are naturally resilient, hardworking and the greatest survivors! We’ve pass through the toughest colonization in history and emerged triumphantly. We are born fighters and today had been a living witness of how we fight for democracy and exercise our rights to be free… We are naturally flexible and adaptable and not to mention…being enormously hospitable. And top it off with the wonderful places and tourist spots that our country alone has…definitely incomparable to what the rest of world has…
Then again reality bites, we have to admit, our country has its own imperfections, but in the light of the adversities our country is facing and will continually face, I guess it’s high time to reflect and analyze how we could actually contribute and help…
Today is Independence Day. This day signifies our nation's unity; it remains a mark, a remembrance of what truly binds us –our freedom, our heritage... Then again, all of us might be guilty about this, but the truth is… we oftentimes just think of this whenever June 12th of every year comes. But for me, June 12 of 2007 would be different…
I’ve always had this dream or let me say a goal… Since I am a psychgrad, I am hoping by next year I could find the time to take the entrance test for masteral studies at UP Solair and if it’s God-will that I pass, I’d like to major in Industrial Relations, eventually become a professor and share my knowledge and help the common Filipino employees exercise their rights. Fight for the underprivileged Pinoy local workers. In the course of it, I’d like to be a member of Gabriella as well... Then again that would be a long term goal…
But today as I browsed the net and found this article in clickthecity about “Yabang Pinoy” I was totally moved. I’ve heard this long way before as I read through Bianca Gonzales’ blog (she’s my favorite! ultimate crush too!) But today I was so convinced that I’m actually planning to buy the “band of glory” ASAP!
“Yabang Pinoy is a small but truly meaningful step in instilling a sense of nationalistic pride in the youth of today. It may not be a grand act such as heroism or other radical means, but small steps made by everyone in changing their attitudes in life are collectively making a huge difference”
But buying the band would do more than that, as I browsed through site of Yabang Pinoy itself, I thought there is so much to do…more people to help…I guess, my long term goal would be quite hard to reach for now but let me start by showing genuine concern for my fellow Filipino’s, let me start from there and who knows the rest may follow…But let this thought live with me as each day pass “I am a Filipino taking pride of my Filipino heritage while in the midst of the worst political condition, poverty, economic instability, irreconcilable convictions & worst calamities. I can still stand proud!”