Thursday, June 21, 2007

Antonio Trillanes: The Modern Day Katipunero

Four years ago, a 32-year-old captain who wrote a masters thesis on corruption in the Navy at the University of the Philippines led a group of soldiers and accused the government of corruption and supporting terrorism, and of mismanaging soldiers’ pension funds. This turned out to be the so called “Oakwood Mutiny”
Three Years later, the said Navy officer decided to run for the upper house of congress…And last Friday, June 15, 2007…the Navy Captain front man named “Antonio Trillanes IV” was proclaimed the 11th senator elect.
His victory was a total surprise for all the rest since his name was not even included in the surveys and the people were not so amazed with the Oakwood Mutiny more so, how it turned out to be a failure, plus his major constraint-being held in captive, therefore he could not campaign personally and make himself known the people.
. Yet indeed the heavens favored him and faith led him to be a Senator. But behind it lies a more powerful force: it is “People Power”- the voice of the people. It is the voice that cries out for reform…the voice that has been the very same victim and has been failed by the government all these years.
While other candidates spend millions for their campaign and TV ads, Trillanes on the other hand had limited funds. He was actually the lowest spender having spent roughly 5 million, 500,000 of which came from his own pocket having sold his watches and cars and the rest from his supporters. Yet despite the said adversities, he emerged triumphant because of the following factors:

1. “The people had faith in him”.
You may rarely see his campaign ads or flyers but thanks to the power of the internet, bloggers and net surfers supported him, more so, ordinary citizens who volunteered to campaign for him, not minding whether they would be paid or not for what they do. (My dad was actually a volunteer and an advocate).
2. His being the numero-uno “Anti-Arroyo”
From Oakwood, until his TV appearance for debates during the campaign period, he had been consistent and vocal of his main goal to oust Arroyo from her throne
3. His platform of “fighting corruption and clean act”
The people has been long tired of being victims of corruption and so from Trillanes and the act of mutiny they saw a modern day hero fighting for a cause

But there is more to wonder from how Trillanes won his battle…It is the fact that his proclamation is another proof, that in our country-freedom and the people’s voice still prevails. And I am so proud to be able to witness that in these modern times…
I have always believed in Trillanes, he caught my attention way back in the Oakwood mutiny days! I truly admire his bravery and courage that actually during the elections, I did not vote for any other Senator except him…this is because I know my other choices would eventually win even though I don’t vote for them, but my one and sole vote for Trillanes would create another step in the ladder of victory.
There is a saying that “we could not please everybody” and so it is for Trillanes. For his detractors, He won and was proclaimed and the least we could do is hope that he would be able to live up to our expectations. Let’s hope that he does not turn out to be another “junior gringo” in the making.
And might as well let’s share with him the vision of building a republic free of corruption and join him in his crusade to fight everything that’s corrupt. And as we bestow our trust, hopes and dreams to our modern day “katipunero”, let us also offer our prayers that despite being detained in his jail cell may he continue to be filled with courage and humility and serve us the best way he can.
And if one day Mr. Trillanes comes across my blog… I just wanted to say “Sir or if I may say Senator…please don’t’ fail us…”