Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The movie was fun and heart-warming. And no wonder it is well-recommended by MTRCB and it got very good reviews because of the many values both kids and adults could learn in the movie! You’d fall in love with Remy-physically a rat but a true son, friend and hero by heart! He is just so adventurous! Very goal oriented and passionate, he pursues what he wants which is generally what life is all about…Following your dreams, fulfilling your passion. Secondly, I also loved Linguini’s character-originally a garbage boy but was Chef Gusteau’s long lost son. Despite the success he brought to the restaurant, he remained down to earth and humble enough to admit that he’s not really the one who’s doing miracles for the restaurant. And the best part of it would be the friendship between Linguini and Remy- initially partnered together out of desperation but in the end became the best buddies who would not leave a friend in need and in both ways they could count on each other… The real recipe of a lasting friendship!

Simpson’s the Movie
This movie they say is 10 years in the making. You would definitely laugh all throughout the movie because of Homer’s crazy antics. It tackles mixed values -the importance of having a family, father-son relationship, on being environmental and love for nature. Moreso it depicted love as well, in the scenes where Liza finally found a boyfriend and the love that Marj and Homer had shared through the years. Remember: “In a marriage, you say this once…i want you to be with me in this…” tough line right? The movie revolved into saving the whole Springfield and the Simpson’s being re-united. All in all the movie is fine yet they had a very funny line in the start: “ Why pay for something that you could watch in TV”. Then again it would laugh your heart out

Good-bye D-Tour...

At exactly 8 pm, I switched to studio 23 with the hope that I could still watch D-Tour. But to no avail, a different show was aired. It has been 7 long years of D-tour and now its over…They aired their last episode-Sunday July 22. I’m surely gonna miss this show! They had been so informative. And they had always been my guide to everything that’s new…everything that’s latest. Digital Tour has been a great guide to technology, gadgets, websites, and modern living. This 30-minute tele-magazine show had featured the latest on e-news, gave reviews on the hottest gadgets and gear and offered tips and suggestions on how to become more tech-savvy. Each week, the techie guides, Iya Yotoko, Manu Sandejas, and Archie Alemania helped me and many others keep track of the latest trends in digital living. But now…was the end….One message they left though: “Keep on updating yourself, keep on surfing the net for anything that’s new…” We’ll surely will! Thanks for the 7 wonderful and informative years!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Answering questions from "Inside the Actor's Studio...

1.what is your favorite word?
2. what is your least favorite word?
worthless, useless
3. what turns you on?
POSITIVITY, humility, simplicity,commitment
4. what turns you off?
ARROGANCE, boastfulness, stupidity
5. what sound or noise do you love?
the sound of a gentle rain, the sound of the waves at the beach at both daytime and nighttime
6. what sound or noise do you hate?
being nagged at
7. what is your favorite curse word?
F**K S**T
8. what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
a fashionprogram host!
9. what profession would you not like to do?
medical representative
10. if HEAVEN exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Welcome, you deserve to be here

55 Random Questions

01 real name: Raquel Quililan
02. nickname: Kelly, Kelai
03. single or available: in a relationship, attached, married
04. zodiac sign: Taurus
05. male or female: Lady
06. elementary: Sta. Catalina College
07. college: St. Paul Univeristy QC ( former St. Paul College QC)
08. high: Same as elementary- Sta. Catalina College
09. long or short hair: long
10. . shoe size: 5 -6.5
11. asthma? No
12. do you have a crush on someone: a lot! For me having a crush is simply admiring someone so I admire the beauty or personality of both guys and gurls but I’m not necessarily a lesbian
13. first surgery: eyes
14. first piercing: ears
15. first best friend: dyan correa
16. first award: kindergarten “best in conduct”
17. First sport you joined: tennis doubles –district meet ‘99
18. first pet:puppies
19. first vacation:bicol
20. first concert: boyz 2 men & brian mcknight valentines concert
21. first crush: can’t recall
22. eating: CANDIES
23. doing: i’m about to- encode new hires details for philhealth form er2
24. listening to: jack Johnson
25. waiting for: next payday
26. wearing: black polo shirt, checkered Capri pants, black slip ons, timex watch, dogtag, yabang pinoy bracelet
27. want kids?
I already have one… my princess coli! I want another-hopefully a boy but not now
28. want to get married? Definitely….as soon as I am converted
29. careers in mind? Yep! Hopefully be a specialist in the field of human resources or employee relations, the academe- I want to be a college professor majoring in Psych
30. lips or eyes? Both
31. hugs or kisses: both..I want more!
32. shorter or taller?taller

33. romantic or spontaneous? both
34. stomach? Lean
35. sensitive or loud: halfway
36. hook-up or relationship: relationship
37. kissed a stranger: no
38. lost glasses/contacts: no
39. ran away from home: yes
40. broken any bones: no
41. broken someone’s heart: yes
42. been arrested: no
43. turned someone down: yes, many times in the past (ha-ha)
44. cried when someone died: yes..when my favorite grandma died
46. yourself: yes I’ve gained enough confidence through the years
47. miracles: yes
48. love at first sight: no
49. heaven: yes
50. santa claus: no
51. fairies: no
52. kissing on the first date: no
53. angels: yes
Is Superman really better than Batman? I don’t agree..i’m a batman fan
Do you believe in God? yes!

The Ultimate Threesome...

Three Names you go by:
1. Kelly
2. Kelai
3. Rain
Three Screen names you have had
3.black raven
Three Physical Things you like about yourself
1.my eyes
2.my ass
3.My feet (it’s size 5 but my height is 5’4 ½”, easy to find shoes even in the kids section!)
Three Physical Things you don’t like about yourself
1.my teeth
2.my nails (the type that’s quite short to place a nail polish)
3.the hairs all over my body (I’m “balbon” so now that I’m a grownup, shaving and waxing is so time consuming)
1.something bad that could happen to my family and loved ones
3.creepy crawlers
1.face powder
3.liquid blush on
1.polo shirt
1.Brian McKnight
2.Boys 2 Men
3.D’ Sound
1.Again-Lenny Kravitz
2.Tattooed on my Mind- D’ Sound
3.I wanna be with you- Mandy Moore
1.true love
1.I’m obsessive compulsive
2.I’m goal-oriented
3.I’m bitchy
2.malling and shopping at the same time
3.spending quality time with king and princess
1.Have a career
2.take up my masters
3.live together with my family
3.La Union
1.Psych professor
3.Human rights lawyer



1. Bry
2. Pat
3. JT
1.Travel the world
2.Open up my own art and painting exhibit
3. Write & publish my own book
1. I admire girls (ha-ha)
2. I easily get pissed off
3. overflowing pride
1.I like fashion
2.I love pink
3.I’m mushy & cheesy, I cry upon watching dramatic scenes in the movie
1.Orlando Bloom
2.Josh Hartnett
3.Leonardo di Caprio
1.my best friend-Bianca


Birthday:April 30, 1983
Birthplace:Quezon City
Current Location:Makati
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Hair Color:Black
Height:5'4 1/2"
Right Handed or Left Handed:Left
Your Heritage:Spanish-Chinese-Filipino
The Shoes You Wore Today:bronzeflats
Your Weakness:chocolates
Your Fears:illness or any form of sickness that could happen to my family
Your Perfect Pizza:thin crust with 5 cheese, mushrooms and Pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:to have a career path
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:wazzup!
Thoughts First Waking Up:Its another working day
Your Best Physical Feature:eyes
Your Bedtime:11-12 midnight
Your Most Missed Memory:Sta. Catalina College & St. Paul Days
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:macdonalds
Single or Group Dates:Group dates
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:Cappucinno
Do you Smoke:Yes
Do you Swear:Yes
Do you Sing:Not much
Do you Shower Daily:yes of course!
Have you Been in Love:Yes
Do you want to go to College:I'm actually planning to take my masters degree
Do you want to get Married:Yes
Do you belive in yourself:a definite Yes!
Do you get Motion Sickness:Yes
Do you think you are Attractive:a big yes!
Are you a Health Freak:No
Do you get along with your Parents:somewhat
Do you like Thunderstorms:No
Do you play an Instrument:I play the guitar, drums, flute and harmonica
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yes
In the past month have you Smoked:Yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs:definitely No
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes and with Hubby of course!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes, actually after office hours I'm actually at the mall
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No and I don't like it
In the past month have you been on Stage:No
In the past month have you been Dumped:Nope and I would not let myself experience it
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:Definite No
Ever been Drunk:Yes
Ever been called a Tease:Yes
Ever been Beaten up:Yes
Ever Shoplifted:No!
How do you want to Die:in my sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:I want to be a human rights lawyer
What country would you most like to Visit:U.K.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Brown
Favourite Hair Color:Black
Short or Long Hair:short clean cut
Height:taller than me
Best Clothing Style:simple casual yet comfy
Number of Drugs I have taken:none
Number of CDs I own:too many to count
Number of Piercings:3 on one and 2 on the other=5!
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:1


Getting to know me...

1. Tell us about yourself...
There’s nothing perfect in this world…it may not be perfect but my family is wonderful. We had endured so many storms together. I owe them a lot and I’d always be grateful. My family had always saved me from all the mess I got myself into. I also have a foster family-my tita nanay, my tito tatay who’m I’d be grateful as well, they are a big part of my life. I was an only daughter for 13 years, I have a sister and we have a 13 year age gap-she is only 10 yrs old and is now a grade 5 student. I’m a psych grad and I’m currently working for the human resources department. I am a self-proclaimed writer & artist by profession. I’m goal oriented and a certified OC too! I live by my weirdest principles. I’ve been through a lot… I am proud to say that I am a “survivor” & I’ve mastered coping skills that shielded me from pain & shedding more tears. I am grateful for everything in my life…I have been blessed…with two special people who made my life meaningful & complete…because of them I’m more eager & enthusiastic in facing each day & our future with courage…I am a mother and a wife-a role I would always be proud of…
2) Describe yourself in three words.
Emotional, goal oriented, passionate
3) What makes you happy?
Seeing my family happy, the feeling of security that everything would be fine, spending quality time with my King and my Princess
4) How long have you known each other?
My hubby and I have known each other for 3 years now
5) Describe each other in three words:
Hardheaded (ha-ha), committed, loving
6) Describe one particular moment you've spent with each other that is one of your favorites...
There are two of which, everytime I rekindle it still gives me butterflies in my stomach and a spark in my heart-our date in: josephine’s tagaytay, there was an ongoing wedding that time and it was raining a bit, just love the feel of raindrops in our face and sweet moments…the second one would be in puerto galera where we lied at the sand and just looked at the stars…sweet….
7) What are your pet peeves about each other (if any)?
Honey, Honhon, Chukuli
8) Describe your ideal first date.
I actually have an ideal date but I don’t feel that it would be nice on your 1st one. So on a first date…an ideal one for me would be a dinner in a fancy restaurant and a deeper conversation in any coffee haven afterwards…
9) What’s your favorite vacation destination?
Where’s the one place you’re dying to travel to?
When I was a kid, I was really fascinated by the pyramids in Egypt so I would want to visit Egypt
10) Have you ever had a job? If so, what was it? What’s your dream job?
My dream jobs would be the following: to be an ER Specialist and a professor of psychology for a university. I would want to be a writer for Cosmopolitan and a fashion host like Angel Aquino.
12) What are your three favorite movies?
Wedding Singer, 50 first dates, Notting Hill
13) What’s the best party you’ve ever been to?
Where was it, who was there and what happened?
The best party I’ve been to would be my parents church wedding. It was fun because all of our loved ones were there; both friends and relatives that were really close to us, I was the maid of honor and the host of the program at the reception and in that event I really felt that my dad was so proud of me
14) Name five hottie celebs that are on your "wish list"?
1.Leonardo di Caprio
2.Josh Hartnett
3.Johnny Depp
4.Orlando Bloom
5.Keannu Reeves
15) What are your favorite hobbies?What do you do in your spare time for fun?
I love watching TV!!! I oftentimes get scolded for it. I love to read, I could stay the whole day and spend my time reading at powerbooks. I love listening to music, on my way to work or back home I listen to my mp4, even during office hours, given the opportunity, I play some songs since it is a form of relaxation as well…a great stress buster. I love to eat @ new places and restaurants, try out something new with my hubby, long walks and sweet conversations with him, and most importantly spending quality time with my princess
16) What items could you not live without? Name some beauty/style items, some accessories and/or clothing items you love?
I could not live without wearing earrings, I just can’t imagine myself not wearing one coz indeed wearing one adds up tp a woman’ s beauty, I can’t live without my mp4 and cel, a brush or comb. I love white tops, I love raspberry scents, I love calendars, flats and slip-ons
17) Who do you admire? Who’s your role model? Who would you like to meet if you haven’t already?
I admire these women: Mother Teresa, Princess Dianna. My role model would be my cousin, Ate Christy. Since I was young I always admired her for her simplicity and sincerity. I’d like to meet, local: Bianca Gonzales, Lea Salonga & Angel Aquino. International: Jennifer Anniston, Anne Hathaway, Maria Sharapova

Kelly-"That Gurl"

34 Random Questions
1. whose picture is it that you keep in your wallet? of course who else but my “Princess”
2. what time do you go to bed? 10-11 pm
3. what was the last thing you did before filing this survey? encode information
4. who’s the one you always meet the most? my princess
5. who’s the person you’re gonna call if you need help? my hubby, my parents, my foster parents, my bestfriend
6. what’s on your mind now? I want to eat
7. who’s number on your speed dials?house, hubby, mom, dad
8. with whom do you wanna be to have fun?my gurlfriends and my partypips
9. what’s your latest movie? harry potter and the order of the phoenix
10. when was the last time you went out? last Saturday July 21
11. who do you hate the most for now? haha! Too many to mention
12. when was the first time you slept alone? did’nt experience it yet
13. what do you wanna do for now? Finish the book I’m reading at powerbooks while drinking oreo javacinno at java man, write blogs for my site
14. what do you do for everyday besides eat and sleep? Work, travel, read, surf the net, text, listen to music, walk
15. what things piss you off: when I’m misunderstood, back fight, encounters with stupid people, my job at the reception area
16. fave pet: joggart…a dog but he’s dead for 8 years now
17. colors that make you happy: black, chocolate brown, red, white, navy and baby blue, deep pink, violet
18. most fave things in your room: my soft and fluffy pillows,
19. what was the last thing you bought for your room? A pinkpig cellphone holder
20. any instruments in your room? a guitar, a flute and a harmonica
21. do you cook? Not yet but I plan to learn very soon
22. miss someone: my princess
23. plan to buy something? Yup! A lot- a new hot pink mp4, longsleeve blouses for the office, flat shoes, chucktaylor, havaianas
24. are you satisfied with your life right now? Honestly, I’m starting with a new phase in life and I could not answer yet since I’m trying to reach my goals
25. Do you like seafood? Not much, I only eat small deep fried shrimps soaked in 7-up and baked clams with cheese
26. breakfast or dinner? Breakfast-bacon & eggs! Yum!
27. what do you usually eat for dinner? When I’m so tired from work usually none, but the usual dinner at the house would be adobo and rice
28. did you eat breakfast today? Nope… I was really hurrying I decided to skip
29. do you recycle? Environmentally speaking, I don’t have enough means, clothes yes I do
30. do you have a laptop? Nope I don’t, but I’m planning to buy one in the future!
31. what’s your favorite fastfood restaurant? On being nationalistic definitely –Jollibee!
32. cats or dogs? Dogs…cats have the tendency to stow away…I dream of having a chowchow or Chihuahua
33. salty or sweet? Sweet…it’s so addicting
34. what’s your favorite kind of jeans? Faded or worn-out jeans

It's all about ME series!


This is the start of the "All about ME series"-where I've dared to answer the most-talked about questions.

Get to know me-because IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!

Origin: Rachel Quililan

Supername: Extraordinary Kelly!
If I were a cartoon character I would be: snoopy
My best ever outfit consisted of: Plain white top, jeans, nike rubbershoes
The sound track of my life would include: Let me Fall (Jude Harrison)
If I was invisible for a day: I'd go to the office and sneak
The worst thing somebody said to me: I was abusive and good for nothing…
I’m saving up for: the future, a house, Nicole’s education
My biggest indulgence is: jackets
My current state of mind: boggled, worried
If someone would play me in biopic it would be: Jennifer Aniston
My 5 fave words : love, simplicity, understanding, loyalty, commitment
The thing about fame is: it can get into your head, occurrence of crab mentality, its not permanent
The thing I love most about what I do: I’m able to practice my field
I wish when I started off I’ve been told that: “I could not please everybody” I could not live-up to everybody’s expectations
The worst thing that ever happened to me: Spending Christmas and new year alone
And what this has taught me: family is very important, would embrace you despite all your imperfections
My super Saturday night consists of: being all dressed up in a party get-up, clubbin dancing all night to super cool sounds at a club and cold vodka on my hand
The world would be a much better place: if there would be no nepotism and greediness
My heroes are: my parents
The thing that make my life worth living: my princess, my hubby, my parents, my foster parents, loyal friends who loves me and stick with me through the years, through thick and thin
My fave moments: special mushy moments spent with my princess and hubby
When I’m gone they’ll say: we’ll forever remember Kelly- a person who’s always been there for us…
I aspire to: Help the victims of injustice and share my knowledge
People might be surprised to know that: I’m a frustrated lawyer
When I retire I would like to: paint and write my own novels and books
If money was not an option: I’ll make sure the jobless would have jobs
The thing that makes me most angry: not being appreciated
The secret to happiness: giving love and returning love and making sure that you don’t hurt anybody

Friday, July 27, 2007

Payday Friday @ Cafe Otello

Its payday! And since this has long been planned but never pursued (because of me…I go back to the office late because of transmitting forms to government agencies) this time I decided not to transmit (and besides I’m only up with 5 pages if I pursue it) for this Friday to finally have a nice dinner with my officemates/friends. We’ve long been debating into where to eat but one thing we were really definite about is that-we’d eat in an Italian resto. After quite a few number of days searching the net for a nice resto, Mommy Jo suggested that we eat at “Café Otello” I checked the details, found it interesting and so I agreed. From our office in Pasong tamo, just quite a long walk, we finally reached our destination. It is hidden on top of a Starbucks, corner of Rufino St. and Dela Rosa. Cafe Otello is the newest Italian café; it just opened March according to the servers. They have a cozy environment and nice interiors. We arrived around 6 pm just an hour early for dinner but it wont matter, we were the first to arrive and of course the first customers to be served. The dishes are not so expensive - All the dishes are around P200 less and the prices in the menu are already inclusive of VAT and service charge-very nice! Although they offer lunch buffet-11:30-3:30 since we arrived 6,we were left with no choice but to order alacarte. While waiting for our meals, drinks were served and as an appetizer we were served with potato chips

Soon after the bread was served… one by one our meals arrived.

Daddy Eric is a seafood lover and a sucker for tomato based pasta he ordered spaghetti pescatora ( seafood in tomato sauce) P180. We tried it to and it was indeed good!

Mommy Joan ultimately loves pasta in white sauce, so she ordered spaghetti carbonara (P180). It was also good and they gave us a cup of parmesan cheese to make it cheesier

As for me, I loved the taste of risotto so I ordered risotto funghi (Italian rice in poncini mushroom sauce) P175 very creamy and was really good and it was indeed heavy in the stomach!

And the best way to end a meal was to have a dessert-we had chocolate cake, which was sweet and yummy too!I really love paydays! ( and who wouldn’t?) besides the money-we’ll I definitely have good company!

The Controversial Anti-Terrorism Act

The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. On February 8, voting 16-2, the Senate passed on final reading the Anti-Terrorism Act, euphemistically titled, the Human Security Act of 2007. March 6, 2007, Arroyo signed the bill into law. And now the entire nation is debating about it.
Defining Terrorism
Section 3 of the terror law defines “terrorism” as an act of “sowing and creating a condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the populace in order to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand.”What parameters would define the act of terrorism? It is quite vague and very confusing. The following crimes can fall under terrorism: piracy, mutiny, rebellion, insurrection, coup d’ etat, murder, kidnapping, serious illegal detention, arson, illegal possession of fire arms and explosives.
The said law initially would like to protect the people but on the other hand…it would definitely create fear. But honestly the said law could get really scary once it is abused…
How scary could it get? The said law is a clear violation of principles and standards of human rights-right to privacy and fundamental rights and freedom. It also sets aside due process and presumption of innocence.
On this post I divide the ATA violations into two categories:
-violation of right to rebel
-violation of human rights
Violation of Right to Rebel
From the Arroyo's side, these would be a definite threat mainly to the following:
-Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)
-New People's Army (NPA)
-National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)
It is very obvious though that the above three are considered "enemies of the state". But on a deeper thought, the Arroyo regime violates the political offense doctrine that recognize and respect the right of the people to rebel against tyranny or oppression and the political integrity of the national liberation movements which were initially founded on the sufferings, demands and tears of the people.
Since the start of the Arroyo regime, violation of the right to protest has been evident. We've seen party list groups, human rights activists both religious and non religious being shoved away may it be with water or by force. Likewise the numerous media people who'd been murdered. Officers,even simple symphatizers and members of any organization that opposes the administration can be suspected of terrorism due to a plain conspiracy. They can be pressured,persecuted or punished. From here they could be easily arrested and detained. With the reality that in the near future, these can happen, the said law would serve as the "official punisher" and "berdugo of the leftists".
Violation of Human Rights
How does ATA affect us as ordinary people. Anybody can be merely suspected. And once you are eyed, the following could possibly happen:
Under Sec 19: "In the event of actual or imminent terrorist attack, suspects may be detained for 48 hrs without warrant."
Section 26 states:"Restriction in the right to travel- in cases where evidence of guilt is not strong and the person charged is...granted bail, the court shall...limit the right of travel of the accused to within the municipality or city where he resides. He or she may also be placed under house arrest by order of the court...While under house arrest, he or she may not use telephones, cell phones, emails, computers, the internet or other means of communications with people outside his residence until otherwise ordered by court."
Section 7: legalizes the surveillance of terror suspects. Authorities may intercept and record all communications of suspected terrorists and their alleged conspirators. Wiretapping and other forms of electronic surveillance need only the approval of any competent Regional Trial Court.
Under section 27: bank deposits, accounts, and records of suspected terrorists and their alleged conspirators may be examined by authorities.
Section 57: bans extraordinary rendition but actually authorizes it under certain conditions. The practice of "extraordinary rendition" allows terror suspects or vital witnesses to be rendered or transferred to a foreign government as part of investigations into terrorism.
They say "if your not guilty no need to fear..." Yet this creates a climate of fear for the entire nation and could be a definite start of the dark ages. It seems very clear that ATA is yet another form of undeclared martial law. And as one nation lets hope and continually pray that the said law though approved would not be abused and that the shadows of the past would not creep and stain its nails with blood...blood of the Filipinos...

The Harry Potter Craze

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I watched the movie last July 14 with my officemates-Steph, Vanj & Daddy Eric. It was absolutely fun! I definitely liked the movie, I guess it’s the 2nd of the HP Movies that I terribly liked! I loved the scenes when Harry, Hermione and Ron were actually teaching the gang and created the so called “dumbledore’s army”. Professor albus wulfric brian Dumbledore was really getting in my nerves during the movie! She just soo pissed me off! The kissing scene between Harry and Cho Chang was cute then again she was just so irritating when she betrayed them. Loved the battle between the Death Eaters and the Order in the Ministry of Magic. Love the chase between Harry and friends-lucius malfoy and company inside the department of mysteries. Loved the battle between Voldemort and Dumbledore! And I ultimately love the blossoming friendship between Harry and Loony Luna Lovegood, I hope they end up together…they look so cute!!! On the other hand Sirius’ death was too fast and was not given much scene. Moreso, I love the way Daniel Radcliffe acted everytime Voldemort was inside him, likewise when Harry got possessed by voldemort near the movie’s end-well crafted! And I liked the lesson it left the audiences “ the significance of friendship in a person’s life” All in all the movie is great and as expected it always brings you a totally different magical world! And from here I just can’t wait until the next movie!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The much awaited book launch of the last of the Harry Potter series book happened last Saturday July 21, 2007. Most of the power book stores are all geared up for the said event. The staff is all in Harry potter costumes and they actually had a set-up very similar to Hogwarts school of witchcraft & wizardry. The place was so cool and it was similar to the movie!!! And indeed the Filipino’s loved the HP Series may it be the movie or the book. Filipino’s indeed love wizardry and magic!

Nida Blanca-The Long Unresolved Story

“November 7, 2001- The actress Nida Blanca (Dorothy Jones) was found dead inside a vehicle, bruised and beaten up at Atlanta Center Condominium Building Annapolis St. Greenhills San Juan. In 2001, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) pointed to Strunk as the brains behind the killing, based on the testimony submitted by self-confessed assassin Philip Medel. The suspect later retracted his statement, claiming that he was tortured by the police to claim responsibility for the crime and to point at Strunk as the mastermind.”
2007… Nida Blanca’s husband Roger “Rod” Strunk allegedly committed suicide and died as he leaped to his death from the balcony of Tracy Inn.
Coincidence? Nida’s body was found blood-drenched in a parking lot, Rod Strunk’s body was found in a parking lot as well, so both their life ended in a parking lot and emersed to be very tragic. The two deaths still left so many questions unanswered.
One question though…what could have led him to commit suicide?Loneliness-he has no family and just volunteered to work. Or would it be because he was indeed guilty of murdering his own wife?
From here no justice could still be found…if he was indeed the culprit, killing himself is no justice at all but a way to free him from all the scrutiny and charges. But would he still be free from the flaming gates of hell?
Through all these we can’t help but await one voice…Kaye Torres’ Statement…Nida being in heaven would have been very proud of her daughter as she continues to radiate dignity…
And her heartfelt statement:
“I offer my deepest condolences to Rod’s sister, Sharry, and his two kids, Christine and Derke."
“It’s very tragic that Rod’s life had to end this way… whatever his faults and shortcoming may have been, I have never wished this kind of misfortune or tragedy on him.”
“I feel that the case should not end with the death of Rod Strunk; especially since his innocence or guilt has never been proven. Rod may have avoided extradition here, but now he will have to face a much higher court.”
“As my mother’s murder case continues to remain unsolved, one vital case to the solution of the case is gone…Rod’s death only makes it more impossible for those answers to be obtained,"
“The authorities should continue the pursuit, investigation and ultimate arrest of those suspects still at large,"
Let us continue to hope and pray that justice for the death of Nida Blanca would prevail…6 long years had passed…wherever she is, we continually pray that she finds the light and peace she deserves …and may the loved-ones she left find the same peace and light into this long unresolved story…

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

PBB Season 2-A Cinderella Story

Pinoy Big Brother…what can I say... Its Wendy’s show…everywhere you go, when you speak of big brother season 2, people just can’t help but comment against Wendy. I’m not a Wendy fan and I as well totally disapprove of how she acted in the house towards Gee-Ann and Bea. Everyone had their own opinions may it be pro or against her, I’d leave it all to them… Let me share mine…despite the meanness, bullying, trash talking, and unfounded accusations the same old saying still prevails “ang api nagwawagi pa rin sa huli” And indeed despite Wendy’s bitchy attitude, Bea emerged as the Pinoy Big Brother Season 2 Winner.
PBB itself, mirrors how Filipinos still believed in the same old notion that makes telenovelas click and their lead turn to superstars in the long run like Juday. I totally agree “ PBB is drama ng totoong buhay-no drama without kontrabida and the kontrabida always makes the bida well-loved by the masses and the viewers. And to quote: “ The Big Winner will represent what kind of ordinary Filipino we look up to and what kind of actions we socially accept. The Big Winner will represent the kind of people who we see ourselves to be. The Big Winner would be another huwaran ng mga Pilipino.”
One thing positive here would be the continuous hope that “life would be better for us in the long run and we would rise triumphantly over poverty. PBB Season 2 ends and it leaves us one message: “let’s all keep the fire burning- hope and strive for a better life and never stop even though they say Filipinos had always been “isang kahig isang tuka”. As they say “libre mangarap” lets all try and make an effort and persevere into turning all those “pangarap” into reality.

Awesome Transformers!

I’m not really so familiar with the animated series when I was a kid and since I’m a gurl, it didn’t catch my attention. I just knew transformers then as a “boy’s thing”. And then at the break of new year, on a light conversation a friend told me that he is so looking forward to watching “transformers the movie”. But then I said “Hmm…I’d rather look forward to spidey and harry flicks this year…” Not until last Saturday, I proved myself totally wrong! And I’m telling you…all throughout the movie I stared with awe! Aside from the movie being action packed, combined with awesome cinematography, great effects and sounds-the story line itself was really wonderful! It’s a tale of both heroism, friendship, courage, bravery, and a lot more! The movie also depicted the “revenge of the nerd” syndrome but more so values that are heart-warming.
Meagan Fox in the movie was really hot! She really had gone a long way. And Shia Labeouf was absolutely cute here! And of course who wouldn’t be charmed with Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee!!!My ultimate favorites! (I find them so cute that I’m actually planning to buy Jolly kids meal to have them) it was just unfortunate that bumblebee did not appear in his original look-as a Volkswagen but I don’t mind it, he is still so adorable! Remember how he plays music that’s perfect for every incident “baby come back…” wowee!
Truly, Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg are GENIUSES! And this movie would always leave its mark throughout generations! I love TRANSFORMERS! They absolutely rock!!! Astig!!!