Saturday, July 28, 2007

55 Random Questions

01 real name: Raquel Quililan
02. nickname: Kelly, Kelai
03. single or available: in a relationship, attached, married
04. zodiac sign: Taurus
05. male or female: Lady
06. elementary: Sta. Catalina College
07. college: St. Paul Univeristy QC ( former St. Paul College QC)
08. high: Same as elementary- Sta. Catalina College
09. long or short hair: long
10. . shoe size: 5 -6.5
11. asthma? No
12. do you have a crush on someone: a lot! For me having a crush is simply admiring someone so I admire the beauty or personality of both guys and gurls but I’m not necessarily a lesbian
13. first surgery: eyes
14. first piercing: ears
15. first best friend: dyan correa
16. first award: kindergarten “best in conduct”
17. First sport you joined: tennis doubles –district meet ‘99
18. first pet:puppies
19. first vacation:bicol
20. first concert: boyz 2 men & brian mcknight valentines concert
21. first crush: can’t recall
22. eating: CANDIES
23. doing: i’m about to- encode new hires details for philhealth form er2
24. listening to: jack Johnson
25. waiting for: next payday
26. wearing: black polo shirt, checkered Capri pants, black slip ons, timex watch, dogtag, yabang pinoy bracelet
27. want kids?
I already have one… my princess coli! I want another-hopefully a boy but not now
28. want to get married? Definitely….as soon as I am converted
29. careers in mind? Yep! Hopefully be a specialist in the field of human resources or employee relations, the academe- I want to be a college professor majoring in Psych
30. lips or eyes? Both
31. hugs or kisses: both..I want more!
32. shorter or taller?taller

33. romantic or spontaneous? both
34. stomach? Lean
35. sensitive or loud: halfway
36. hook-up or relationship: relationship
37. kissed a stranger: no
38. lost glasses/contacts: no
39. ran away from home: yes
40. broken any bones: no
41. broken someone’s heart: yes
42. been arrested: no
43. turned someone down: yes, many times in the past (ha-ha)
44. cried when someone died: yes..when my favorite grandma died
46. yourself: yes I’ve gained enough confidence through the years
47. miracles: yes
48. love at first sight: no
49. heaven: yes
50. santa claus: no
51. fairies: no
52. kissing on the first date: no
53. angels: yes
Is Superman really better than Batman? I don’t agree..i’m a batman fan
Do you believe in God? yes!