Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good-bye D-Tour...

At exactly 8 pm, I switched to studio 23 with the hope that I could still watch D-Tour. But to no avail, a different show was aired. It has been 7 long years of D-tour and now its over…They aired their last episode-Sunday July 22. I’m surely gonna miss this show! They had been so informative. And they had always been my guide to everything that’s new…everything that’s latest. Digital Tour has been a great guide to technology, gadgets, websites, and modern living. This 30-minute tele-magazine show had featured the latest on e-news, gave reviews on the hottest gadgets and gear and offered tips and suggestions on how to become more tech-savvy. Each week, the techie guides, Iya Yotoko, Manu Sandejas, and Archie Alemania helped me and many others keep track of the latest trends in digital living. But now…was the end….One message they left though: “Keep on updating yourself, keep on surfing the net for anything that’s new…” We’ll surely will! Thanks for the 7 wonderful and informative years!